I use personal projects to teach myself new skills and also to use as a personal gauge of how far I’ve come in the years since I first sat down and learned 3D. I don’t do many and it’s been way too long since my last.

I’d love to go back sometime and do “updated” versions of these sometime, but in the meantime, It’s fun to look back and see big mistakes that were made and drive home how much I’ve learned since.

Hanok House

2014-My attempt at a Modern Korean Hanok-style home, designed by me!

Uptown Eclectic

2012- A lonely artist’s bedroom and bath.

Red R


2011-Just wanted to see what an entirely red room would look like…

The Apothecary

2011-This is a nostalgic image as it was the first project that I attempted using 3DS Max. Lots of fond memories involved in this vignette of a medieval apothecary’s workroom.